Two Years On – A Beading Ceremony

This post is overdue.

27 Oct 2012 marked a significant milestone in the Scouting lives of two people from my unit, as it marked their formal welcome into the select group of Woodbadgers world wide.

Woodbadge Regalia

The day’s activity ended quite normally, though there was an air of anticipation, as it is not every day the number of rows of Ventures, Rovers and Leaders almost equals the number of patrols.  This was a special occasion, and many had gathered to witness it.

Unit waiting

Our District Commissioner, Rhino presided over the ceremony, while Mr Teo, our former GSL, and myself made up the rest of the award team.

DC and Award Team

Mr Teo started the ball rolling by first awarding their Gilwell Scarves, which mark them as members of the 1st Gilwell Scout Group.

When Wood Badge started in 1919, Mr. William F. MacLaren, a district commissioner in Scotland, purchased Gilwell Park near London, England, and presented it to the Scouting Association as a training center. We honor him by wearing a patch of the MacLaren hunting tartan upon the neckerchief.  Wood Badge Scouters the world over are also recognized by a two-strand leather woggle.

Ruiyang Receiving Scarf


Next, it was my honour to award them their two beads.  Necklaces which I had personally worn on a number of occasions before, as a symbolic passing of the beads from one Scouter to another.

Wood Badge is named for the badge given those who successfully complete the entire experience. The badge now consists of two wooden beads, worn on a leather thong around the neck. These are replicas of a bead necklace obtained in 1888 by Baden-Powell while he was serving in the military in Africa. In looking for a suitable recognition for the Scouters who completed the first course in 1919, Baden-Powell remembered the necklace and decided to give a bead to each of the participants. At this time the name Wood Badge became attached to the course.

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Congratulations, Ruiyang and Weixuan.  You have come a long way since October 2010 when you were first invested as leaders.